Contact Us

Food Pantry Founder, Thom Fleury

Founder/Volunteer, Thom Fleury

The North End Food Pantry                                                       PO Box 3318 Burlington, VT 05408


Hello friends,

Thank you for your trust and community spirit.
Together we offer people free food, clothing, and personal care items every weekend.

Thom Fleury
Volunteer and Founder
North End Food Pantry
Burlington, Vermont

We are 100% volunteer-run.
Answers to your questions can be found on these pages

Donate food  (including diapers)
Donate clothing
Need food, clothing or personal care items.

Contact Us if you can’t find the answer on this website. 
The North End Pantry

    SIGN UP for our Newletter

    Mara Welton – Donation Method Volunteer

    Why we do what we do
    In America, hunger is often hidden. The child sitting next to your child in school may have gone without food over the weekend. The senior you see at church may be worrying about having enough food to make it to their next social security check. The person helping you at the store may putting on a smile, even though they are struggling with bills after paying for car repairs.  Without our help, people will go hungry and suffer needlessly.

    We hope that offering a place where people can come when their finances are down can prevent anyone from going hungry. We are also here to provide a friendly smile and encouragement. It’s easy to feel alone when dealing with financial hardship. We value and respect people as members of our community. This is why we are here.

    Contact Us by coming to one of our locations, if you need our help.

    #donate #foodshelf #foodbank #burlington #vermont