Hours & Location
(We are unable to make deliveries)
1416 North Ave
Burlington, VT
*There are steps, sorry, no elevator*
Saturdays & Sundays
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Saturdays: Fresh Produce, Deli & Bakery, Milk
Sundays: Fresh Produce, Deli & Bakery
Both Days: Shelf-Stable Items, Diapers, Clothing, Menstrual Products
BUS: The #7 North transit bus runs weekends
CAR: Park on EDGEMOOR DRIVE and walk over
Getting Here
The North End Food Pantry is located in the Odd Fellows Lodge in the New North End Burlington at 1416 North Avenue.
All food and clothing are provided completely FREE OF CHARGE. There are no forms to fill out, and no qualifications required. Everyone is welcome and will be treated with respect and dignity.
Please dress for the weather since you may need to wait outside before we distribute food.
Sorry, we do not deliver.
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
People start lining up at 8:50 AM
Distribution starts at 9:00 AM. Distribution moves fast — be on time!
Lottery numbers (tickets) will be given out at 8:50 AM
Then people line up in order of lottery numbers
Everyone will get food — tickets simply keep the process fair and organized
Please park on EDGEMOOR DRIVE. This is the road right before Odd Fellows.
Odd Fellows Parking area will be closed except for delivery vehicles and guests with handicap tags.
1416 North Avenue, Burlington, Vermont
#7 Busline
*There are steps, sorry, no elevator*
ENTRANCE is at basement door (back parking lot), look for hand/heart symbol.
Saturdays – Milk, bakery, deli items and produce
Sundays – Bakery and produce
Every Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
We are located in the New North End of Burlington. The transit bus runs on Saturdays and Sundays. Please check the bus schedule. #7 North Ave (ridegmt.com)
If you or a family member or friend has a car, park on EDGEMOOR DRIVE and walk to the Pantry.
We regret that we are not able to make food deliveries. However, if you are homebound due to illness or there is an emergency, please Contact Us
Usambazaji wote wa chakula utafanyika katika The Odd Fellows Lodge kuanzia Novemba 30! Mazao mapya, bidhaa za deli na za kuoka zitakuwa ghorofani juu, bidhaa zisizoharibika, nguo na diapers zitakuwa chini. Usambazaji wa vyakula vipya utaanza saa 3 kamili asubuhi, tafadhali fika ifikapo saa 2:50 ili kupata namba.
Dhamaan Qaybinta Cuntada waxaa lagu qaban doonaa Odd Fellows Lodge laga bilaabo Noofambar 30! Khudaar cusub, alaabaha deli iyo rootiga ayaa kor ka yaala, alaab aan la goyn karin, dhar iyo xafaayado ayaa hoos ka yaala. Qaybinta cuntada cusub waxay bilaabataa saacaddu marka ay tahay 9 subaxnimo, fadlan imaaw 8:50 si aad u hesho lambarka.
Ugutangwa bw’ibifungurwa vyose buzobera ku Odd Fellows Lodge guhera ku wa 30 Munyonyo! Ibifungurwa bishasha, ivyo mu nzu ya deli n’ivyo mu nzu y’umukate bizoba hejuru, ibidashobora kwononekara, impuzu n’ibitambaro vy’abana bizoba hasi. Ugutanga ibifungurwa bishasha bizotangura isaha zitatu isaha n’isaha, turabasavye kuza isaha zibiri n’iminota mirongo itanu kugira mubone inomero.
Dhammaan qeybinta cuntada waxaa laga sameyn doonaa The Odd Fellows Lodge laga bilaabo Noofambar 30! Khudaarta cusub, alaabaha deli iyo bakery ayaa ka dhici doona dusha sare, alaab aan la goyn karin, dhar iyo xafaayado ayaa ka dhici doona dhulka hoostiisa. Qaybinta cuntada cusub waxay bilaabataa 9 subaxnimo, fadlan imaada 8:50 si aad u hesho lambarkaaga.
Toute la distribution alimentaire aura lieu au Odd Fellows Lodge à partir du 30 novembre ! Les produits frais, les articles de charcuterie et de boulangerie seront à l’étage, tandis que les produits non périssables, les vêtements et les couches seront en bas. La distribution de produits frais commence à 9h00 précises, veuillez arriver avant 8h50 pour obtenir un numéro.
ኩሎም መድሓኒ ምግቢ ኣብ Odd Fellows Lodge እዚ ኣሕዋት ቀዳም ካብ ሕዳር 30 ይተኽል! ቅሩብ ነገራት፣ ዘሎት ኣቕሕሓምን ሓንቲ ግብሪ ባንን ከም ኣብ ወዲ ላዕሊ ዘሎም፣ ብእትሕታይ ዝርከብ፣ ዘይተቓላሊቱ ምግብን ሓጸርን ከም ኣብ ወዲ ታሕቲ ዘሎም። ቅሩብ መድሓኒ ምግቢ ምምሃር ብርክቱ ኣብ 9 ግዜ ንጽነሽ እንተስእሞ ክተኽል፣ ኣብ 8:50 ናብ ዓምደናኸ ምግባር ኣብዚ ክኸውን እትብዒ።
Phân phối thực phẩm sẽ diễn ra tại The Odd Fellows Lodge bắt đầu từ ngày 30 tháng 11! Rau củ quả tươi, đồ ăn sẵn và bánh mì sẽ ở trên lầu, thực phẩm khô, quần áo và tã sẽ ở tầng dưới. Phân phối thực phẩm tươi bắt đầu đúng lúc 9 giờ sáng, vui lòng đến trước 8:50 để lấy số thứ tự.
¡Toda la distribución de alimentos será en The Odd Fellows Lodge a partir del 30 de noviembre! Los productos frescos, artículos de charcutería y panadería estarán en la planta superior, mientras que los productos no perecederos, ropa y pañales estarán en la planta baja. La distribución de alimentos frescos comenzará puntualmente a las 9:00 am, así que por favor llegue a las 8:50 para obtener un número.
सबै खाना वितरण नोभेम्बर ३० बाट The Odd Fellows Lodge मा हुनेछ! ताजा उत्पादनहरू, डेली र बेकरीका सामानहरू माथिल्लो तल्लामा हुनेछन्, गैर-नाश गर्ने सामानहरू, लुगाफाटो र डायपरहरू तल्लो तल्लामा हुनेछन्। ताजा खाना वितरण बिहान ठीक ९ बजे सुरु हुन्छ, कृपया नम्बर लिन ८:५० बजेभित्र आइपुग्नुहोस्।
Sva distribucija hrane će biti u Odd Fellows Lodge počevši od 30. novembra! Svježe povrće, delikatesni i pekarski proizvodi će biti na spratu, dok će trajni proizvodi, odjeća i pelene biti u prizemlju. Distribucija svježe hrane počinje tačno u 9 ujutro, molimo vas da dođete do 8:50 da biste uzeli broj.
We Value Your Opinion!
Please help us improve the food distribution by answering these questions. Your response will remain anonymous. If you would like us to contact you, please include your email at the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for your help!

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